General Information


Physicians and allied health professionals are welcome to attend. Please see Registration Form for details and fees.

To register, please complete and send Registration Form enclosed. Only forms accompanied by payment will be processed. Payments by bank cheque accompanied by your complete registration form should be made out to “Alliance of Clinical Endocrinologists Philippines Foundation, Inc.”. Cancellation must be done in writing. No refund will be made for cancellation of registration after August 15, 2024. Refunds will be subjected to applicable processing fees.

For on-site registration (local and foreign), only payments in cash or bank cheque will be accepted. Official receipt issued will be used to claim ID, certificate and congress kit. There will be no credit card facilities for on-site registration.

Generally pleasant and warm the whole year, the average temperature is around 28-30 degrees Celsius. Business attire or national dress will be adequate for the Fellowship Night.

Accompanying Persons

Spouses or guests of attendees are allowed to attend scientific sessions only if space is available, but are not permitted to attend luncheons. They are welcome to attend the Fellowship Dinner; however, registration is required for the Fellowship Dinner and costs $100 each.

Corporate Sponsors

Pharmaceutical representatives whose companies are represented in the Exhibit Hall cannot officially register for a session but can attend if space is available.


The organizing committee shall not be held liable for personal accidents, illness, or losses or damage to private property of delegates. Delegates should make their own arrangements or with their sponsors from their respective countries regarding personal insurance.